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Esky Purify was invited to participate in the 2023 HVAC Low Carbon Development Conference

Esky Purify

Esky Purify was invited to Participate in 2023 HVAC Low Carbon Development Conference

Recently,By the Asia-Pacific Construction Science and Technology Information Research Institute Co. Organized by Asia-Pacific Construction Science and Technology Information Research Institute Co. 1px;font-size:14px">2023 HVAC Low Carbon Development Conference &Magazine Annual Meeting was held in Beijing.

Esky Purify Invited to 2023 HVAC Low Carbon Development Conference

Everyday Purification was invitedand from the country's advanced industrial manufacturing, rail transportation, data centers, scientific laboratories, civil buildings and many other areas of owners, general contractors, design institutes, universities, research institutions and other units of a total of 500 people to participate in this event, for China's The conference was attended by more than 500 participants, sharing innovative achievements and discussing the development of the industry for China's green and low-carbon development. The live broadcast of the conference was watched by more than 20,000 people online.


Awarding of Plaque Ceremony

Award ceremony

Esky Purify Representative (Sixth from right)


As a comprehensive solution provider of clean air systems, for the purpose of expressingTo show our appreciation for the company's comprehensive air cleanliness system solution provider. quot;>Affirmation of the comprehensive ability of Esky Purify and the recognition of Industry development by making Outstanding Contribution,The organizing committee hereby awards Esky Purify with the HVAC Board of Directors. 007987;letter-spacing:2px;font-size:14px">"Member Unit of Modern Industry Specialized Committee"plaque.


In the future, in the context of global green and low-carbon development, Esky Purify will strengthen the research and development of innovative clean technologies to meet the needs of various industrial application scenarios, and make positive contributions to the development of the HVAC industry to help Green and Low Carbon Development of the Industry.

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