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Particle size analyzer

3550 nanoparticle surface area monitor

3550 nanoparticle surface area monitor

The occupational health risks associated with the use and manufacture of nanoparticles have not been clearly identified. Workers may inhale and be exposed to nanoparticles at levels far exceeding those in the environment···...
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The occupational health risks associated with the use and manufacture of nanoparticles have not been clearly identified. Workers may inhale and be exposed to nanoparticles at levels far exceeding those in the environment. Leading experts advocate that nanoparticles should be tested by surface area rather than mass because the surface area of ​​nanoparticles is greater than that of larger particles of the same mass. This increases the chance of an interaction with the body. Therefore, there is a growing need to study health effects and assess workplace conditions and individual exposure to nanoparticles based on particle surface area testing.

The patented Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor 3550 (NSAM)* measures the surface area of ​​particles deposited in the human lung relative to the tracheobronchial (TB) and alveolar (A) regions of the lung (reported in μm2/cm3). The Model 3550 provides a simple and rapid solution for measuring surface area equivalent dose in the lung. The Model 3550 is an important instrument for research in the fields of inhalation toxicology, health effects and epidemiology, as well as for measuring and monitoring workplace exposures.

Features and advantages

Optional tracheobronchial (TB) or alveolar (A) Deposition Response Detection Mode

Comprehensive software for collecting, storing and displaying the average of consecutive observations, time-weighted averages (8 hours) or total deposition surface area

Easy operation, fast configuration and unattended, continuous operation capability for long-term contact monitoring

Sensitivity down to 10 nm

After five decades of condensation, the exposure dose concentration range reaches 0 to 10,000 μm2/cm3

Data rate of once per second detects short-term high-intensity exposures

Application scope:
Basic aerosol research

inhalation toxicology

industrial hygiene research

Health effects research

Epidemiological research

Occupational Exposure Monitoring

*U.S. Patents 6544484 and 7812306.

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